vision development - children’s vision


Glen, or "Bubba" as many know him, is the grand master of pediatrics. Here he is doing the Keystone Basic Binocular Test (KBB) with a youngster and this video captures beautifully the reach in space for a figure that is projected out in space closer to the child. The KBB has been replaced by the FBAT from Bernell.


Dr. Harris does the 3, 6 and 12 piece form boards with the child of one of our students at SCO. The demonstrations were done at the front of the room with the child's back to the audience. Video was streamed to the main screen behind Dr. Harris for the rest of the class to see.


Testing convergence with whatever I had available. This was recorded in Denmark during a course.

Here Dr. Harris is working with a 2-year old, with her older sister, who did have her own chance at all these things afterwards, watching. This was done as a class demonstration in Pediatrics class at SCO. Included are the form puzzles, the one-inch cubes, the Circus Puzzle, OKN and size blocks.


Watch all the way to the end to find out why he keeps turning this magazine over and over and over. You will love it.

Here we see Dr. Harris playing with a 3-year old during a class at SCO demonstrating exploration of visual and child development with the form puzzles and with the colored inch cubes.